RafaeLLa IRC LOGO   
RafaeLLa IRC Bot Services





(This command will join the services into the given channel).

     (E.g: !Join #Test)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will part the services from the given channel).

     (E.g: !Part #Test)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will hop the services from the given channel).

     (E.g: !Hop #Test)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will make the services to part from all the

joined channels except the MAIN_CHAN channel).

     (E.g: !PartAll)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will make the services to hop from all the joined channels

except the MAIN_CHAN channel).

     (E.g: !HopAll)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will make the services to join into all the supported

channel that are in the list).

     (E.g: !JoinSupport)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will make the services to part from all the supported

channel that are in the list).

     (E.g: !PartSupport)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will make the services to hop into all the supported

channel that are in the list).

     (E.g: !HopSupport)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will display all the modules status if anyone is

running or if anyone is not).

     (E.g: !Modules) - (E.g: !Mods)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will display the currently running timers of the services

with the full parameters and options).

     (E.g: !Timers)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will display the currently set variables of

the services with the values).

     (E.g: !Variables) - (E.g: !Vars)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will display all the currently available set

settings of the services private).

     (E.g: !Settings) - (E.g: !Status)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will display the total CHAN-STATS module database

nickname files and the total size of the "Chan-Stats" folder).

     (E.g: !AllChanStats)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will clear all the total CHAN-STATS module database

with all nickname files from the "Chan-Stats" folder).

     (E.g: !ClearChanStats)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will display the url for the full-changelog file to see the changes).

     (E.g: !ChangeLog)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will add an nickname to the services admin-list so the

nickname can change/enable/disable settings - modules to the services).

     (E.g: !AddAdmin westor)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will delete an nickname to the services admin-list

so the nickname will not be able to change/enable/disable

settings - modules from the services).

     (E.g: !DelAdmin westor)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will display you private the currently services admin-list).

     (E.g: !AdminList)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will add an channel to the support list and when the

services connect to the server then will automatically join into them).

     (E.g: !AddSupport #hellas)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will delete an channel from the support list).

     (E.g: !DelSupport #hellas)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will display you the currently supported list).

     (E.g: !SupportList)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will display the services informations).

     (E.g: !Version)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will display the online contact support).

     (E.g: !Contact)'

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will display the official donate page).

     (E.g: !Donate)'

     (Image Example: here)


  • !Ignore <Nick/Host> [c|p|n|t|i|k|d] [seconds]

(This command will add an nickname/host to the services ignore list

c = channel , p = private , n = notices , t = ctcps , i = invites , k = control codes , d = dccs).

     (E.g: !Ignore westor) - (E.g2: !Ignore *!@westor.host.gr) - (E.g3: !Ignore westor cp 600)  - (E.g4: !Ignore westor 600)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will delete an nickname/host from the services ignore list).

     (E.g: !UnIgnore westor) - (E.g2: !UnIgnore *!@westor.host.gr)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will display the currently services ignore list).

     (E.g: !IgnoreList)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will clear all the services ignore list).

     (E.g: !IgnoreListClear)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will display the available services

log files into the "Logs" folder that exist).

     (E.g: !LogFiles)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will clear all the available services

log files from the "Logs" folder if any exist).

     (E.g: !ClearLogFiles)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will check on the website for any services new version update, if an update will be available

then in 60 seconds it will start to download the update (This can be canceled with !Cancel command), if the download

will complete then in 60 seconds it will exit for update (This can also be canceled with !Cancel command), after the

exit the services will update the download update and it will start again automatically the services).

     (E.g: !Update)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will remove the Update.rar file

from the Downloads folder when you used the

!Update command to download the new

services update, also stopping the update progress).

     (E.g: !UpdateDel)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will scan on the westor.ucoz.com website for

new version of all the .txt files on 'Files' folder

that exist and if new version of the .txt file found then it will automatically update them).

     (E.g: !UpdateFiles)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will display the seconds if there is any progress running until it execute).

     (E.g: !TimeLeft)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will restart the services).

     (E.g: !Restart 100) - (E.g2: !Restart)

     (Image Example: here)


  • !Quit | !Exit [Seconds]

(This command will quit/terminate the services).

     (E.g: !Quit 100) - (E.g2: !Exit)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will cancel if there is any services progress running).

     (E.g: !Cancel)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will create an backup all the modules data

and all modules settings into the "Backup" folder).

     (E.g: !Backup)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will restore an already backup with all the

last modules settings and data from the "Backup" folder).

     (E.g: !Restore)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will give the output messages nickname color settings

for the specified channel, if not any custom color has been set then the defaults will be given).

     (E.g: !NickColor #mSL)

     (Image Example: here)


  • !WOTIgnore <Add|Del|List|Clear> <#Channel> <Domain>

(This command will give the ability to ignore

a certain webte, it must be the WOT-ADVISOR enabled).

     (E.g: !WOTIgnore Add #mSL google) - (E.g2: !WOTIgnore Del #mSL google.net) - (E.g3: !WOTIgnore List #mSL) - (E.g4: !WOTIgnore Clear #mSL)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will strip from any colors,bolds,underlines,reverse,italics

characters the channel that is on the list when

any command or module used on the channel the output

results informations will be just an simple text (like +c channel mode)).

     (E.g: !StripMSG Add #mSL) - (E.g: !StripMSG Del #mSL) - (E.g: !StripMSG List)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will make all the available enabled modules to NOT

give any result information on the channel but on the user with

private notice).

     (E.g: !OutPutNOT Add #mSL) - (E.g: !OutPutNOT Del #mSL) - (E.g: !OutPutNOT List)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will send an feedback report to the owner

with your text details to report what ever you want for

any bug or any new feature that you want to be in

the next versions (NOTE: on each feedback send

it will be send with the report some usefull services

informations that will help the owner to solve the

bug or will help for your problem NOT any personal

informations will send)).

     (E.g: !FeedBack Bug YOUTUBE-INFO module does not working..) - (E.g: !FeedBack Suggest Adding support for sex)

     (Image Example: here)


  • !Set <Option> <ON/OFF|Value>


(This command will set various settings on services, enable/disable any module you like).


  1. !SET awaymsg [message] - (This option is for changing the default services awaymsg, if not any parameters will be given then it will unset the awaymsg if exists any).
  2. !SET fullname [message] - (This option is for changing the default services fullname, if not any parameters will be given then it will unset the fullname if exists any).
  3. !SET identd [message] - (This option is for changing the default services identd, if not any parameters will be given then it will unset the identd if exists any, (default is Raf)).
  4. !SET mymodes [+-modes] - (This option is for changing the default services usermodes while connecting to the server, if not any parameters will be given then it will unset the mymodes if exists any, (default are +iwRB ) ).
  5. !SET password <pass> - (This option is for changing the services identify password).
  6. !SET server <server> - (This option is for changing the services IRC server, (default is storm.q-net.gr:6667)).
  7. !SET nickname <nickname> - (This option is for changing the services IRC nickname).
  8. !SET mychan [channel] - (This option is for changing the services IRC main channel, if not any parameters will be given then it will unset the main report channel if exists any).
  9. !SET noticeprefix <character> - (This option is for changing the services output channel private notice message comand prefix that will send all commands output to the user with private notice, (default is !)).
  10. !SET chanprefix <character> - (This option is for changing the services output channel message comand prefix that will send all commands output to the channel, (default is @)).
  11. !SET autotalksecs <seconds> - (This option is how much often you want the AUTO-TALK services module to talk into the channel and display an random message, (default are 600)).
  12. !SET autobackupsecs <seconds> - (This option is how much often you want the AUTO-BACKUP module to create an new backup into the "backup" folder with all the latest modules settings and data, (default are 43200)).
  13. !SET nickcolor <#channel> <admin,ignore,owner,protect,op,halfop,voice,normal> <number> - (This option is for changing the Output Messages Nickname Color from the output results from an specific channel).
  14. !SET rssmaxinfo <number> - (This option is for changing the RSS-MANAGER module max rss results on the channel, (default are 5)).
  15. !SET rssmaxchan <number> - (This option is for changing the RSS-MANAGER module max rss per channel permitted, (default are 15)).
  16. !SET gitmaxchan <number> - (This option is for changing the GITHUB-MANAGER module max gits channel permitted, (default are 15)).
  17. !SET floodcommands <seconds> - (This option is for changing the channels command flood protection per seconds, (default are 10)).
  18. !SET floodmodules <seconds> - (This option is for changing the channels modules flood protection per seconds, (default are 10)).
  19. !SET debug <ON/OFF> - (The DEBUG feature if set to ON then everything will be logged into the "Debug.log" file in "data" folder
  20. and it will be send into the next feedback report, this created for helping solving issues/bugs for next releases).
  21. !SET autotalk <ON/OFF> - (This AUTO-TALK module option if set to ON then the services will automatically give an message with TEXT or ACTION event type on the channel).
  22. !SET autosay <ON/OFF> - (This AUTO-SAY module option if set to ON then when someone call the services nickname then it will auto answer him/her in the channel).
  23. !SET ajoin <ON/OFF> - (This AUTOJOIN-ON-INVITE module option if set to ON then when an user invites the services to an channel it will automatically join into it).
  24. !SET autobackup <ON/OFF> - (This AUTO-BACKUP module option if set to ON then it will automatically create a new backup into the "backup" folder every seconds that have been set, if not any seconds have been set it will use the default, (default are 43200)).
  25. !SET fastload <ON/OFF> - (This FAST-LOAD module option if set to ON then it will make the LOADING-SERVICES module progress 90% more fast and silent on connect).
  26. !SET scanidle <ON/OFF> - (This SCANIDLE-INFO module option if set to ON then this module will be able to be used to the channels to scan for idle users).
  27. !SET channews <ON/OFF> - (This CHAN-NEWS module option if set to ON then this module will be able to be used to the channels to add/delete/view the channel news).
  28. !SET votepoll <ON/OFF> - (This VOTE-POLL module option if set to ON then this module will make enable/disable all the available vote polls into the set channels and make the users able or not to use this module).
  29. !SET netsplit <ON/OFF> - (This  NETSPLIT-DETECTOR module option if set to ON then when a server delink from the network then it will automatically message the channel for netsplit).
  30. !SET lastchan-action <ON/OFF> - (This  LASTCHAN-ACTION module option if set to ON then when a user talks/joins/parts/quits/nick change/mode change/topic change/kick/ban/unbanned from the channel the services save last action the into an log file).
  31. !SET lastchan-command <ON/OFF> - (This  LASTCHAN-COMMAND module option if set to ON then when a user execute an command into the channel it will save the last command into an file).
  32. !SET chanstats <ON/OFF> - (This CHAN-STATS module option if set to ON then it will count and save the user join,part,quit,topic,nick,modes,kick,ban,unban,kicked,banned,unbanned,msg,describe,notice into an file on the "ChanStats" folder on "Data" folder direction).
  33. !SET joinmsg <ON/OFF> - (This JOIN-MSG module option if set to ON then when someone join on an channel the services will automatically welcome him/her with an random message from the "joins.txt" from the "Files" folder).
  34. !SET ytsearch <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the YOUTUBE-SEARCH module work or not, this module is when a user will use the !youtube command then it will search into the web for results).
  35. !SET youtube <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the YOUTUBE-INFO module work or not, this module is when an user paste an youtube link into the channel then the services will automatically the video for results).
  36. !SET imdb <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the IMDB-SEARCH module work or not, this module will display any movie search information from the imdb.com website).
  37. !SET google <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the GOOGLE-SEARCH module work or not, this module will display any google search information results).
  38. !SET iplocator <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the IP-LOCATOR module work or not, this module will display an user ip informations with more other details).
  39. !SET weather <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the WU-INFO module work or not, this module will display the currently weather that he/she gives to search).
  40. !SET dnscan <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the DNSCAN-INFO module work or not, this module will DNS the given nick/ip/website/host/domain and if the resolve will be success then all informations will be given).
  41. !SET checksite <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the CHECKSITE-INFO module work or not, this module will search on the web if the given website is online or offline and will give the results).
  42. !SET awayscan <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the AWAYSCAN-INFO module work or not, this module will scan the channel for away users and will give the results).
  43. !SET clonescan <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the CLONESCAN-INFO module work or not, this module will scan the channel for any user clones and will give the results).
  44. !SET greetmanager <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the GREET-MANAGER module work or not, this module will allow the users to add their custom greet message to the services, if any user join into the specific channel that the greet message has been added then the services will display his/her greet message to the channel).
  45. !SET seen <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the SEEN-INFO module work or not, this module will display any information for the given nickname).
  46. !SET ping <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the PING-INFO module work or not, this module will display his/her currently ping).
  47. !SET wot <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the WOT-ADVISOR module work or not, this module will display if any virus website is on his/her given link).
  48. !SET wotsafenot <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the WOT-ADVISOR module give results only if any website is bad or very bad).
  49. !SET wotexcellentnot <ON/OFF> - (This option will NOT let the WOT-ADVISOR module give results for excellent websites).
  50. !SET wotgoodnot <ON/OFF> - (This option will NOT let the WOT-ADVISOR module give results for good websites).
  51. !SET twitter <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the TWITTER-INFO module work or not, this module search on twitter.com website and will give any information results).
  52. !SET twittersearch <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the TWITTER-SEARCH module work or not, this module search on twitter.com website and will give any information results).
  53. !SET rssmanager <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the RSS-MANAGER module work or not, this module will read all the set RSS from the channel and give the results on the channel).
  54. !SET gitmanager <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the GITHUB-MANAGER module work or not, this module will read the last project GitHub commit that you have in the list and will give the results on the channel).
  55. !SET clearlogs <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the CLEAR-LOG-FILES module work or not, this module will clear all the *.log files from
  56. the "Logs" folder that are saved on each services startup).
  57. !SET vimeo <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the VIMEO-INFO module work or not, this module will search on vimeo.com website for any
  58. video information and results).
  59. !SET dailymotion <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the DAILYMOTION-INFO module work or not, this module will search on dailymotion.com website for any video information and results).
  60. !SET imgur <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the IMGUR-INFO module work or not, this module will search on imgur.com website for any
  61. photo information and results).
  62. !SET tinyurl <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the TINY-URL module work or not, this module will search on bit.ly website for any
  63. link/url information and for results).
  64. !SET twitch <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the TWITCH-INFO module work or not, this module will search on twitch.tv website for any results information).
  65. !SET dictionary <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the DICTIONARY-SEARCH module work or not, this module will search on collinsdictionary.com website for the given word and give any results information).
  66. !SET horoscope <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the HOROSCOPE-SEARCH module work or not, this module will search on my.horoscope.com website for the given sign and give any results information).
  67. !SET calcinfo <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the CALC-INFO module work or not, this module will calculate your numbers and give any results information).
  68. !SET countrycode <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the COUNTRYCODE-INFO module work or not, this module will scan on the database for the given country or countrycode and give any results information).
  69. !SET facebook <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the FACEBOOK-INFO module work or not, this module will search on the facebook.com website and give any results information).
  70. !SET urlinfo <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the URL-INFO module work or not, this module will search on the web for the given website and give any results information).
  71. !SET currency <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the CURRENCY-CONVERT module work or not, this module will search on the web for the given currency and will convert it to the other given currency and give any results information).
  72. !SET soundcloud <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the SOUNDCLOUD-INFO module work or not, this module will search on the soundcloud.com and give any results information).
  73. !SET soundcloud-search <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the SOUNDCLOUD-SEARCH module work or not, this module will search on the soundcloud.com website for the given text and give any results information).
  74. !SET wiki-search <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the WIKIPEDIA-SEARCH module work or not, this module will search on the wikipedia.org website for the given text and give any results information).
  75. !SET bing-search <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the BING-SEARCH module work or not, this module will search on the bing.com website for the given text and give any results information).
  76. !SET bing-translator <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the BING-TRANSLATOR module work or not, this module will search on the bing.com website for the given language and text and give any results information).
  77. !SET ustream <ON/OFF> - (This option will let the USTREAM-INFO module work or not, this module search on ustream.tv website and will give any information results).
  78. !SET update-files <ON/OFF> (This option will let the UPDATE-FILES module work or not, this module will update all the .txt files of the "Files" folder to the new version if there is any).
  79. !SET update-files-startup <ON/OFF> - (This module will start the UPDATE-FILES module on the services startup).
  80. !SET update-files-silent <ON/OFF> - (This module will not display an OK or ERROR messages of the UPDATE-FILES module progress).



!  Output Channel Private Notice Messages Command Prefix (by default)

@   Output Channel Messages Command Prefix (by default)


(This command will display the user the services using informations).

     (E.g: !Version)

     (Image Example: here)


  • !Site | !WebSite | !Web

(This command will display the services official website).

     (E.g: !Site)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will display the services official forum).

     (E.g: !Forum)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will display the services official full changelog page).

     (E.g: !ChangeLog)

     (Image Example: here)


(This command will display the official contact page).

     (E.g: !Contact)

     (Image Example: here)